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Project Team 14: Date SMART, DS4200 F20

Sophie Bailard, Maura Keith, Abigail Zahne

Service-Learning Course Project as part of DS 4200 F20: Information Visualization, taught by Prof. Cody Dunne, Data Visualization @ Khoury, Northeastern University.


This project presents the effectiveness of Date SMART, an intervention for adolescent girls that attempts to reduce dating violence. Because adolescent girls are a high-risk demographic for experiencing dating violence, it is important to determine how effective this skills-based intervention is. We will be analyzing data from Phase II of the study, and comparing and contrasting the patterns between the two groups of data: girls in the Date SMART intervention and girls in the control group, who received the standard dating violence education. Link to the repository


Link to the slides

The following two graphs represent the behaviors of the Date SMART and control groups. The first line graph shows timepoint on the x axis and the number of 'yes' responses from participants to a specific behavior, such as condom use, during a given timepoint; all timepoints are roughtly 90 days in length, and timepoint 1 (i.e. days 90-180) is when both interventions occured. Therefore timepoint 0 is days 0-90, 1 is 91-180, 2 is 181 through 270, and so forth. The second visualization is a temportal event sequence visualization. The x axis represents the day and the y axis is the participant number. Every time an event occured, such as condom use, a corresponding shape was drawn on the temporal event sequence visualization to represent its occurance; this allows for in-depth examination of specific participants over time. Click on any data points in the first line graph visualization to filter the values shown in the temporal event sequence visualization.

Control Group and Date SMART 'Yes' Responses over Time

Temporal Time Sequence of Participant Behavior by Days from Start

Demo Video

Visualization explanation

Replace with a brief explanation (can be copied from the paper) and linked presentation slides.


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